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Through fast-paced team competition, Quiz Bowl empowers students to develop a much wider knowledge base relative to regular classes, greatly assisting players academically.

Quiz Bowl is similar to the popular game show Jeopardy!, where questions are read to competitors who then buzz in to answer. However, Quiz Bowl questions are much more rigorous and better written than Jeopardy! clues, and focus heavily on academic subjects. 

To be successful, players must discover how to learn in the most effective and efficient ways possible. For the strongest students, Quiz Bowl provides an outlet for players who want more of a challenge. It often expands horizons – students learn about jazz, architecture, Aztec mythology, Japanese literature, and opera – subjects not really covered in school. 

Additionally, Quiz Bowl develops quick thinking and emphasizes academic connections. Far from simple rote memorization, students must think laterally, contributing to strong on-your-feet decision-making skills.

Lastly, Quiz Bowl teaches important skills in working as a team. Teams of up to four battle against each other, racing to answer clues. Socially, Quiz Bowl is a great way to develop lifelong friendships and is an exciting way to represent Strake Jesuit on local, state, and national levels. 

Strake Jesuit competes under the umbrella of the Texas Quiz Bowl Alliance, and competes in both N.A.Q.T and P.A.C.E events. 

Prep Bowl

Each year, Strake Jesuit hosts Prep Bowl, a middle school and elementary quiz bowl event. What began in 1973 with only a handful of teams has since blossomed into the largest middle school quiz bowl event in the state, with over 60 teams and 300 students taking part in the 2016-2017 school year. The event is overseen by the Strake Jesuit Quiz Bowl team and Strake Jesuit student volunteers, in partnership with Texas Quiz Bowl Alliance staffers. Questions come from N.A.Q.T databases. 

For more information, contact Max Maier at More information on each Prep Bowl will be posted prior to each year's event.

Strake Jesuit Quiz Bowl

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Maximilian Maier

    Dr. Max Maier 

    (713) 448-8432
  • Photo of Christopher Berger

    Dr. Scott Berger 

    (713) 490-8260